Wednesday, April 23, 2008

When You're in Texas, Look Behind You

It's pretty easy to make lazy jokes about Chuck Norris—especially after his star turn as spokesninja for Mike Huckabee. Norris is this close to taking over the reins as Default Punchline from Hasselhoff and Gary Coleman. (Listen, dudes, I know you think it's funny to informally refer to David Hasselhoff as "The 'Hoff" or get t-shirts made of that fateful meeting between Hasselhoff and Gary Coleman, but I assure you that is not the case.)

That said, there is a piece of comedy that is right under America's noses that we are choosing to ignore. It is called Walker, Texas Ranger, and it deserves some attention.


You might be wondering why Gary Busey tried to murder that Special Person with his bare hands. That is a ridiculous question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this has so many great elements. I mean, gary gets punched, kicked, and elbowed in the face. That's good. Gary pulls a knife on chuck. Good too! But probably my favorite is the lethal face squishing of the special person. I mean, we'll all wanted to do that at times, haven't we. I laughed so hard, I cried. it was better than Cats